Having your little one can certainly change many things in your life, including the meaning of many words. 
Ice cream
To everyone else it’s a delicious treat to cool down with. But to a parent it is a valuable tool in calming your little one down, but can also be responsible for a lot of your little one’s messy disasters.
Supermarket shopping
For some adults this just involves popping into your local shop and grabbing what you need for the week. But as a parent you just hope you can get through this “simple task” as quickly as possible, without your little one creating an epic public tantrum.
To everyone one else, frozen is just an adjective to describe something that is really cold. But to a parent, the word Frozen is so much more than that. It is the film that is responsible for the constant singing of many children everywhere.
For adults who don’t have little tots, it’s just the time you head to bed. But as a parent it’s the time of day you fear the most. If you’re lucky your child’s bedtime routine will only take up to 20 minutes. But bedtime for most parents involves many long enduring tasks including: dressing your child, making sure they brush their teeth, reading them a bedtime story and of course, telling them to “go to sleep”.
Technical problems
To everyone else a technical problem probably means something as simple as your tablet having a virus. But for the parent whose phone or computer has practically become your little one’s property, the problems can truly vary. Don’t be surprised to find your tablet screen smeared with chocolate fingerprints or Angry Birds’ apps scattered all over your phone.
Me time
For everyone else, this is time that you get to spend by yourself doing the things you enjoy. Unfortunately for most parents if you’re lucky, it could be something as simple as going to the bathroom, that is often considered “me time”.
But despite all the different meanings these words can have as a parent. You wouldn’t trade anything in the world for all of the unique experiences that you have with your little one.

