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Christmas is here and I have all the symptoms: glazed eyes, tight chest, stress dreams, a house full of Sellotape and unwrapped presents hidden under the spare blankets in the hot press. My house is like a Christmas elf half-way house, stuffed with tubes of wrapping paper, cinnamon sticks and unfinished lists. My bank card is worn thin and my credit card is about to be brought out. If I could bear...
Last updated: 21/12/2016 by DaisyWilson to DaisyWilson's Blog
Filed under: MummyBloggers
I’m sure you’re all looking forward to celebrating Christmas just as much as I am. That cozy feeling, the glittering lights on the tree, mince pies, that cheeky little Baileys you can sip before lunch (when else could get away with it?) and seeing the joy and delight on your children’s faces as they soak up the excitement and blessings that Christmas day brings. It can, however, be...
Last updated: 21/12/2016 by EmmaKelly to EmmaKelly's Blog
Filed under: MummyBloggers
After my third child reached 12 years of age, I thought my baby days were over, but I had reckoned without the persuasive powers of my second child. One dog is enough, I insisted. I’m working, you’re in school, I reasoned. You’re going to college in two years. You’ll have to walk him and feed him and look after him. All very reasonable arguments. So why do I now have an eight-week-old...
Last updated: 21/12/2016 by AoifeOCarroll to AoifeOCarroll's Blog
Filed under: MummyBloggers
The joy in motherhood comes in moments. There will be hard times and frustrating times, but amid the challenges there are shining moments of joy and satisfaction. —M. Russell Ballard [/b] [/b] I am proud to say I have been a mother for 5 years now. Being a mum is not so new to me anymore ; I am blessed with two beautiful girls. Being a young mum is not easy, not at all… but as strange as it...
Last updated: 06/01/2017 by jessicabankz to jessicabankz's Blog
Filed under: MummyBloggers
It’s been a bit crazy in our house recently. And I think it has something to do with my son having a bit of a leap forward in his development, and basically beginning to assert himself a little more. He was always quite good with vocabulary and speech for his age, but there’s been a huge push forward in him recently, and he’s graduated to full sentences, questions and interaction. It’s...
Last updated: 24/01/2017 by EmmaKelly to EmmaKelly's Blog
Filed under: MummyBloggers
No happiness in this world is great enough as having your family healthy, gathered and happy. Before any of you skeptics go into a rant that family is a side-line joy to all the business-oriented decisions we’re making daily, I have to stop you right there – no business ever has hugged me to sleep like my husband has, no contract signed has had me laugh to tears like my kids have and no bonus...
Last updated: 24/01/2017 by TraceyC to TraceyC's Blog
Filed under: MummyBloggers
Most of us have been paid; the end of January is nigh; and wonderful spring is just around the corner. However, many of us are still clinging to our New Year’s resolutions, persisting in the myth that we are actually still keeping up our virtuous lifestyles. However, the evidence suggests otherwise. If any of the following apply to you, it is time to face reality and enjoy life without the pain...
Last updated: 30/01/2017 by AoifeOCarroll to AoifeOCarroll's Blog
Filed under: MummyBloggers
Healthy eating during pregnancy is not only crucial to your babyʼs growth and development, it is also important to ensure you stay in tip top condition. Thankfully, it is easy enough to ensure you ARE getting the nutrients you need; simply include a variety of food groups in your diet, including fruits and vegetables, breads and grains, protein sources and dairy products. Here are the food groups...
Last updated: 31/01/2017 by Evee Parroche to Evee Parroche's Blog
Filed under: MummyBloggers
My youngest attends a Montessori which shares a building with the local primary school. And on the day in which the United States of America inaugurated their 45th President, I overheard a small scrum of tiny boys, no more than six- or seven-years-old, holding a heated debate on Trump. They argued about whether he'd started work yet and one berated the others for not watching the news enough...
Last updated: 02/02/2017 by DaisyWilson to DaisyWilson's Blog
Filed under: MummyBloggers
As a sufferer of gestational diabetes, my second pregnancy brought on sickness and insulin dependency from the second month. I was in and out of hospital for weeks at a time leaving behind my 2.5 year old despite our closeness and her clinginess to me. This, looking back was probably the beginning of my downward spiral as the due date neared I began to feel really guilty and wondered if perhaps I...
Last updated: 05/02/2017 by Lovelightandfabulous to Lovelightandfabulous's Blog
Filed under: MummyBloggers
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