Celebrating Christmas with your little one

It can be a delightful and memorable experience filled with wonder and joy, but you also want to make sure you’re fully prepared. Here’s a few of our go-to tips to make the season go smoothly.

Create simple traditions: Establishing simple, age-appropriate traditions can make the day special. Whether it's baking cookies, reading a favourite Christmas story, or singing carols, these traditions can become cherished memories.

Involve them in preparations: Engage your toddler in age-appropriate preparations like decorating cookies, wrapping gifts (even if it's just crumpling wrapping paper), or making DIY ornaments. Involving them in these activities can build excitement and create a sense of involvement.

Stick to their routine: Maintain your toddler's routine as much as possible. Keep nap-times and mealtimes consistent to avoid crankiness and ensure they're well-rested and content throughout the day.

Mindful gift-giving: While toddlers may not fully grasp the concept of gifts, ensure presents are safe and suitable for their age. Opt for toys or items that encourage exploration, creativity, and sensory play.

Sensory experiences: Create sensory experiences like playing with wrapping paper, exploring different textures, or engaging in sensory bins filled with festive items (cotton balls for snow, jingle bells, etc.). These activities can stimulate their senses and keep them engaged.

Be mindful of overstimulation: Christmas can be overwhelming with new people, sights, and sounds. Allow your toddler some quiet time to decompress if they seem overstimulated. Create a cozy corner with their favourite toys or books for a break when needed.

Enjoy outdoor activities: Weather permitting, take a walk to enjoy Christmas lights in your neighbourhood or visit a local park. Fresh air and a change of scenery can be refreshing for both you and your toddler.

Capture the moments: Take plenty of photos and videos to capture those precious moments. Toddlers grow quickly, and these memories will be treasured in the years to come.

Embrace the unpredictable: Toddlers can be unpredictable, and not everything may go according to plan. Embrace the spontaneity and cherish the joy your little one brings to the festivities.


Remember, the essence of enjoying Christmas with a toddler lies in being flexible, patient, and savouring the simple moments of wonder and discovery. It's less about the perfection of the day and more about creating lasting memories filled with love and warmth.


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