Teaching your child how to dress him or herself will require a huge amount of patience and persistence on both sides. Remember, practice will make perfect! For your child, there is a lot to learn about being able to get dressed all on their own such as:
- How to pick out clothes that are right for each occasion, the time of day and the weather- That Disney princess dress and feather boa might not be suitable for a mountain walk!
- How to put on clothes and how to take them off again
- How to do up buttons and zips, put socks on the right way and how to avoid putting on clothes back-to-front or inside out
- Deciding what to wear- should it be the green dress or the purple jeans?
The thing to remember when your child is learning how to get dressed is that like any new skill, it takes practice and more practice to perfect it so try to be patient and before you know it she will get the hang of it!