Second Trimester
Second Trimester
- What are 2D, 3D and 4D ultra sound scans?
- What is CVS or Chorionic Villus Sampling?
- What routine blood tests do I need during pregnancy?
- Are home doppler monitors recommended?
- Are hot baths safe during pregnancy?
- Childbirth classes: What types are available and what do they teach?
- Does stress affect pregnancy?
- During my scan, the doctor noted a bright spot on my baby's heart. What is this, and should I worry?
- Eco friendly nursery - how do I create one?
- Gestational diabetes: Risk factors and symptoms
- How can I find the most flattering maternity clothes?
- How can I hide my pregnancy a little longer?
- How can I stay hydrated during pregnancy?
- How can my husband help me during pregnancy?
- How do I plan my maternity leave?
- How much maternity leave should I take?
- How often will baby kick and will I feel it?
- How should I deal with trouble sleeping during pregnancy?
- How should I update my will for my baby?
- Husband scared of sex in pregnancy - is it normal?
- Is caffeine safe in pregnancy?
- Is it safe to eat cheese in pregnancy?
- Is it safe to have vaccinations during pregnancy?
- Is it safe to use fake tan during pregnancy?
- Miscarriage chances after 12 weeks?
- Prenatal care? What are my options?
- Sharp, piercing pain in my pelvic area. What could be causing it, and should I worry?
- What are safe sleeping positions during pregnancy?
- What are the options for pregnancy termination?
- What are the treatments for gestational diabetes?
- What can I expect from second trimester tests?
- What is a doula?
- What is a spot on my baby's heart?
- What is amniocentesis?
- What is an ultrasound?
- What is causing my weird pregnancy dreams?
- What is fundal height?
- What is preeclampsia?
- What is the optimum placental positioning?
- What medications are safe during pregnancy?
- What should I expect from an amnio test?
- What should I know about abdominal pain during pregnancy?
- What weight gain to expect during pregnancy?
- What's cord blood banking and is it possible in Ireland?
- When does breast milk form?
- When should I change my sleep position?
- When should I order nursery furniture?
- When should I start wearing maternity clothes?
- When should I tell my boss I'm pregnant?
- When will I know what kind of twins I'm having?
- Why is fibre important in pregnancy?