By the age of five, most children will have a good command of their own native language although your child may not be able to express complicated ideas. , He also won’t be able to follow complicated instructions so you need to be careful to explain things in a clear and con He can have the same problems understanding complicated directions, so you will need to make sure that you explain things in a clear and concise manner.
When your child begins school, he may come home with words that aren’t generally used in your home. If you don’t like some of the words, give a simple reason why you don’t like them and try to offer alternatives.
By this age, your child should be able to hold a conversation with you about everyday occurrences. She can tell you her name, address, age and birthday. She will also ask what certain words mean and will be able to tell you how certain items are used, for example a fire burns.
Your five-year-old will be able to relate a story to other children in school. She will enjoy listening to stories so it’s important that you make time to read together everyday.