Photographer Lora Scantling, from Oklahoma in the U.S., worked with a photography studio and local children's boutiques to create a collection of powerful pictures of three little girls who are fighting cancer.
The photographer hopes her photos will bring awareness to childhood cancer.
The little girls in the photo are all cancer patients, aged 3, 6 and 4.
Rylie, on the far left, has just won her battle with stage five kidney cancer, Rheann, in the middle, has brain cancer and Ainsley, on the right, has leukemia.
The image comes with an inspiring message written above the photo: "Sometimes, strength comes in knowing that you are not alone."
The girls, who had not met before the photo shoot, quickly formed a lovely friendship.
"It was very moving watching their bond form," Rheann’s mum Valeria Franklin said.
The image has gone viral and the photographer has received thousands of messages from parents of children who are fighting cancer, saying the picture was a great comfort to them.