For all you mummies whose smart phones have been abducted by your children, there is a lovely app from the much loved storybook character ‘Walter the Wandering Wave’ that the kids are sure to love.
‘Walter the Wandering Wave’ was created by Shane Janssens who is a young entrepreneur from Dublin. He emigrated to Canada three years ago and created the international children’s cartoon character, Walter. The mobile app version of Walter is an animated and interactive app that landed the number one spot in Apple’s iTunes Store within three days of launch.
According to Janssens, an avid surfer in the West of Ireland for over ten years ‘I developed a passion for surfing so I could escape the city, spend time with friends and experience the most amazing places and wildlife this world has to offer. I have always wanted to share with children the mystery of the ocean and its waves and to teach them where waves come from and how they reach land. I came up with a concept for a wave character called ‘Walter the Wandering Wave’ who is created in a storm with all the other waves. Walter feels different from the other waves in the sea and decides he has to learn more about himself. So Walter goes on an adventure to find land and discovers that it’s great to be different. My idea was if waves could talk what amazing adventures they would share with us and what great friends they would meet along the way.’
Shane's business ‘Belly Of Fire Publishing’ specializes in developing interactive apps, They are now developing a series of Walter books including an activity book which are available on