Breakfast: Milk
Bowl of dry Rice Krispies
Ready Brek with milk
Snack: Cheerios with milk
Mid-day meal: Apple
Rice Cake
Dry Toast
Snack: Rice Cake
Evening meal: Liga
Rice cake
Dry Rice Krispies
This shows the common patterns I see regularly among children, for example:
A short list of acceptable foods that are eaten daily or sometimes more than once a day.
Lots of carbohydrates (usually breakfast cereals, breads, crackers and sometimes pasta).
Very little other food groups especially vegetables, and sometimes little or no fruit. Some children eat lots of protein foods, while others may eat little or no protein foods.
Usually children have a preference for a certain type of texture, with dry and crunchy foods being the most common, but some children have not moved successfully beyond pureed foods.
Often children like their food presented a certain way, for example, this preschooler always wanted his rice cake whole and would reject it if it was a little broken.
For some children, there is lots of dairy in their day especially milk but also yoghurt and /or cheese.
Fussy children often eat different foods from the rest of the family, especially at dinner time.
Lastly, frequent snacking is very common, that is eating small amounts very frequently during the day. This means eating mostly snack type foods, such as crackers, fruit or yoghurt.