In world filled with TVs, tablets, computers and mobile phones, it can be hard to get our kids moving. When entertainment is so easy to come by, getting up and going outside can seem like an unnecessary and painful chore.
Exercise is a huge part of a child’s development, helping them strengthen their bones and muscles, develop coordination and even learn social skills as the play actively with other kids. Combined with a diet full of all the right nutrients, your little ones will be big and strong before you know it!
Pharmaton Kiddi Crunchy tablets can help, as part of a balanced diet, because they’re packed with vitamins and minerals - perfect for giving your children the helping hand they need.
Play it cool
If kids feel like they’re being forced to do something, they will stubbornly fight you all the way. Rather than declaring they need to get exercise and actively banning them from their beloved screens, make it a natural part of their day and eventually it’s something they’ll want to do without thinking.
Give them a reason
Make play dates with their friends or sign them up for a sports team, dance class or even Scouts, depending on what their interests are. This way you’re not telling them to turn off the computer game they’re enjoying; you’re simply saying it’s time for them to do that other fun thing they like.
Set an example
If Mum and Dad are sitting in front of the television, it’s hard for a child to understand why they have to leave their own screen and go outside. Organise some outdoor family activities, such as a nice hike or a walk on the beach. If the kids see the grow-ups are active, it will seem like a normal part of life to them.
The right tools
Instead of giving your little ones a new computer game, why not give them roller-skates, a football or a scooter? They’ll be so excited to get a gift, they’ll be dying to play with it and before you know it, they’re asking you if they can go outside.
Get sneaky
We don’t usually condone tricking your kids, but there are fun activities they can do around the house that will keep them active, while taking some items off your To Do list. Send them into the garden with a bucket of water and some sponges, and get them to wash the car. You can even make a game out of it and tell them to pretend they’re running their own carwash.
Be prepared
We know there are rainy days when it seems inevitable that your kids will end up in front of a screen, so consider investing in interactive computer games, such as Wii Sports. If your child has to be play a computer game, at least they’re playing it actively.

