You asked

How do I clean my toddlers ears?

Earwax (also known as cerumen) is quite normal and important in keeping the ear clean and healthy. Earwax is secreted by the ceruminous glands and has an important function. The earwax traps dirt and dust, and keeps other particles from entering the ear and damaging the eardrum.
On occasion, the body will over produce earwax which can lead to ear problems if not cared for. If you see earwax on the outer ear, clean it off, but never use a cotton swab or any other item to try and dig the wax from the ear canal. You could rupture your child’ s eardrum and will more than likely just push the wax farther into the ear canal. Your child’s doctor has simple ways of removing the wax that are not painful and are safe for your child. If earwax buildup is a consistent problem with your child, ask the doctor about rinsing treatments that you can try at home.

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