If you’re asking that question, then there’s a good chance that there are one or two specific issues weighing on your mind. If that’s the case and you’re concerned enough to wonder about it, then it’s almost certain that you need to start looking for alternative child care options.
The trouble is, this can be a tricky subject to broach with your parents! What you need to do, while you’re looking out for other options is to speak to your parents. Tell them that while you are endlessly appreciative about the way they have taken care of your child, you are also concerned that your son is becoming too active for them to handle. This is a valid point, and anyone who has dealt with a toddler or preschooler knows that they are energetic and a hand full. Explain that you don’t want to burden them with looking after your child, and that you’d rather they enjoyed being with him at social occasions, on weekends and on family occasions, than be burdened with caring for him every day.
Another important fact, and one that you want to mention, is that young children need the social aspect of spending time with other children and that a day care or crèche will benefit this aspect of your child’s development.
Expect your parents to be slightly disappointed, or even mildly hurt that you are looking for alternatives, but remember that this decision will be better for them, and for your child, so stick to your guns! Make sure that you schedule plenty of time for them to see your son during and after the transition and you should find that everything works out just fine.