You asked

My toddler is hitting other children. How can I stop this?

Very young children and toddlers are very ‘me’ oriented in their thinking. Often, they hit other children simply to get a response, when the other child cries or voices their unhappiness. However, while this is a fairly normal behaviour for children of this age, it’s not acceptable behaviour.

Explain to your child that hitting hurts, and that if they don’t stop hitting other children, no one will want to play with them. Remind them how it felt when they were hit, if this has happened to them before. 

While it’s tempting to hit your child, so that they understand that it’s painful, this only reinforces the idea that violence and physical aggression is acceptable, and will set you back in your efforts to stop them.

If you see your child hitting another child, rather just remove them from the situation, and explain that hitting hurts again. Instruct any other care givers to do the same, and you should find that they quickly realise that hurting other children is not a good idea.

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