Fussy eating is something that often develops early on for many children, setting the pattern for years of mealtime battles.
Here are great tips to deal with picky eaters:
- Make mealtimes fun! It’s important that your child actually enjoys meal times. Don’t use meal times as an opportunity to voice frustrations or complain about untidy rooms or neglected chores.
- Be a good role model. Older siblings and parents should act as role models to encourage younger childen to eat new foods. Remember, they are more likely to eat something if you do!
- It’s important to expose your child to a range of foods, tastes and textures early on.
- Keep trying new foods as the more she is exposed to initially disliked foods, the more resistance can be broken down.
- Don't force your child to eat a particular food. Doing so will increase her dislike of that food.
- Don't use junk food or sweet treats as rewards or bribes for eating their greens. It won’t encourage a love of healthy food. Use rewards such as a trip to the swimming pool or a family bike ride instead.