You asked

My toddler is 27 months. What developmental milestones should I be looking out for?

By the time your child is 27 months old, he or she will rapidly be leaving the baby and toddler years behind, and becoming a child in the truest sense of the world. There’s plenty of developing going on too!

The good news is that your child is starting to develop self control. He or she will probably still resort to tantrums, pushing or pulling sometimes, but your child is discovering that words can help to resolve problems much faster. Keep encouraging that, and you should start to notice a marked change in your child’s behaviour.
As far as balance, co-ordination and fine motor skills go, your 27 month old is advancing in leaps and bounds – sometimes literally. He or she may be able to jump with both feet together, or even balance on one foot for a moment. Your child can probably also manipulate small objects – stacking blocks, putting on his or her own shoes or holding a cup in one hand instead of two.

Concentration is another important part of your child’s development at this age. Whereas he or she probably didn’t have a long attention span before, you will now notice that your child becomes absorbed in a game or toy. You may even have to remind your child that it’s dinner time or bath time – this can help to decrease tantrums when you interrupt his or her play, but try to accommodate those bouts of intense concentration – they’re important for development.

Lastly, your child is beginning to question your rules. Make sure that they make sense, are easy to understand and follow, and make sure that they’re consistent. Don’t change the rules ‘just this once’ or you may end up with trouble on your hands!

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