Social & Emotional Development
- At what age will my child be ready to fly alone to visit a relative?
- Boy liking girls clothes: Is it normal for my preschool son to like girls clothes and toys?
- Boys and guns: is it ok?
- Can a two year old be taught manners?
- Can my child distinguish between male and female?
- Can my child show concern for others at this young age?
- Children at school are always putting each other down. What can I do?
- Chores for kids: How important are they and when to start?
- Encouraging imagination and creativity: how do I do it?
- Fear of creepy crawlies: how can I help my preschooler get over it?
- Fear of dogs: how can I help my child get over it?
- Have I put my 2-year-old in crèche too soon?
- How can haircuts be less problematic for a toddler?
- How can I discipline my child and teach her about safety?
- How can I encourage my child to play imaginative games?
- How can I help my 2-year-old overcome irrational fear?
- How can I help my child to learn to understand time?
- How can I make sure I raise a self confident child?
- How can I make sure that my child's imagination is being stimulated enough?
- How can I reassure my child that flying is safe?
- How can I reassure my child when I have to fly without her?
- How can I stop my child having temper tantrums?
- How can I teach my child to be responsible?
- How can I teach my child to share?
- How can I teach my preschooler to tell the time?
- How do I help my child cope with peer pressure?
- How do I help my toddler overcome his shyness?
- How do I know if my child is ready for potty training?
- How should I react when my child says "I hate you"?
- How should I react when my child tells a lie?
- How to respond when your 2 year-old rejects your affection.
- Imaginary friends: Is it normal for my preschooler to talk about them?
- Is it okay for my child to have violent themes in her play?
- Is the difference between girls and boys brains real?
- Kids and upsetting news reports: how can I reassure my child?
- My 2 year old is very dependent on his soother. What should I do?
- My 4-year-old apologises, but does not really mean it, how can I make it meaningful?
- My child hits and bites himself. What should I do?
- My child's teacher says he cries a lot about minor things at school. What can I do?
- My preschooler is still quite clingy. Is there any way I can boost his confidence and self esteem?
- Our little one is in preschool. Is this a good time to get a family dog?
- Should I involve my 4 year-old in her birthday plans?
- Shyness in preschool: how can I help my child handle it?
- Telling lies: what to do when my preschooler tells a clear cut lie?
- What are the best moments of being a mum?
- What can I do to enhance my child's sense of humour?
- What can I do to help my child to learn to write easier later on?
- What can I expect from my child at this age?
- What shapes boys into boys and girls into girls?
- When will my child be old enough to blow her own nose?
- Why does my child feel anxious?
- Why does my child insist on repetition?
- Will scary stories like ‘The Pied Piper' or ‘Hansel and Gretel' really disturb my child?
Physical Development
- Fine motor skills: what developmental signs should I be looking for?
- How can I help my preschooler develop dexterity?
- How can I protect my 4 year-old from hurting himself?
- How can I teach my child to be patient while learning independence?
- My child has great coordination with a ball. Is he ready to play team sports?
- My child loves playing with a ball. Is this normal?
- Our little one is in preschool. Is this a good time to get a family dog?
- Things to consider before letting your 4 year-old play sports.
- What can I do to help my child to learn to write easier later on?
- What developmental milestones should I be noticing in my three year old?
- What milestones in terms of co-ordination should I look for in my child?
- What physical and other developmental milestones should I look for in my preschooler?
- When can I expect my child to start losing his baby teeth?
- Will swimming lessons benefit my child?
- At 31 months, what important developmental signs should I look out for?
- Chores for kids: How important are they and when to start?
- Does my child have a bossy temperament, and what can I do?
- Fear of creepy crawlies: how can I help my preschooler get over it?
- Fear of dogs: how can I help my child get over it?
- Fine motor skills: what developmental signs should I be looking for?
- How can I tell if my preschooler is gifted?
- How do I know if my 2-year old is ready for toilet training?
- How do I know if my child is ready for potty training?
- How does development affect my 33-month-old's awareness of others?
- How well should my two year old understand numbers?
- Is it good that my 2-year-old wants the same story read repeatedly?
- Is it normal for my 2-year old to feel stressed?
- Is my child ready for swimming lessons?
- Kids at weddings: should my two year old be a ring-bearer?
- My 2 year old is very dependent on his soother. What should I do?
- My child is 29 months old. What major developmental milestones should I watch for?
- My child is putting everything in his mouth. How can I stop this?
- My child is very physical but quiet. Is this a possible developmental problem?
- My toddler has just turned two – what can I expect over the next few months?
- My toddler is 27 months. What developmental milestones should I be looking out for?
- My two-year-old refuses to share toys, what can I do?
- Should I set up structured activities for my 2-year-old?
- Swimming: when can I expect my preschooler to move beyond water play?
- What are the best moments of being a mum?
- What can I do to encourage my two-year old to use sentences?
- What milestones are there that we don't mention very often?
- What should I look out for when my child starts talking?
- What should my preschooler be able to do by this age?
- When can I expect my child to start doing things for herself?
- When can I expect my child to start losing his baby teeth?
- When can my child start learning how to ride a bicycle?
- When should I start teaching my child manners?
- When will my child be old enough to blow her own nose?
- When will my child be old enough to enjoy a movie at a cinema?
- When will my child be old enough to go to an art museum?
- When will my preschooler know her colours?
- When will my two-year old know her colours?
- Which of my child's drawings are important to keep?
- Why does my 2-year-old insist on saying “no” so much?
- Why does my 2-year-old tell so many blatant lies?
- Why does my child sometimes bite other children?
Speech & Language Development
- Hearing problems: will my child's development be hampered?
- How can I help my three year old to learn colours?
- How do I know if my child needs a speech therapist?
- How do I raise my child to be bilingual?
- How do I teach my child the art of conversation?
- I am worried that my child may have a speech problem. What should I look for?
- Is it normal that my child is so interested in everything?
- My child has a lisp. How can I help her overcome it?
- My child is very physical but quiet. Is this a possible developmental problem?
- My child seems to have a narrower vocabulary than other kids of her age. Should I worry?
- Should I worry that my two year old mispronounces words?
- Stuttering in children: how can I tell if my child is developing a problem?
- What can I do to enhance my child's sense of humour?
- What can I do to help my child to learn to write easier later on?
- What developmental milestones should I be looking for between the ages of two and four years?
- What happens at a hearing test?
- What should I do if I suspect my toddler has a hearing problem?
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