The recommended daily intake of fibre per day is ,25g for adults and approximately 15g for children and teenagers. According to the North/South Ireland Food Consumption Survey, 77% of Irish adults do not consume enough fibre in their diets and many people simply don’t know which foods can help to boost their daily dose of fibre. According to the National Teen Food Survey recently published by IUNA (the Irish Universities Nutrition Alliance), more than 80 percent of Irish teenagers are not getting enough fibre in their diet. There are also concerns that children are not eating enough fibre.
Benefits of increasing you and your family’s fibre intake include:
- Eating fibre rich foods boost digestive health - cereal fibres are the most effective way to increase bulk in the digestive tract and helping to avoid constipation.
- Eating breakfast can help to combat fatigue and enhance mood.
- Fibre can help manage weight by adding bulk to the diet and helps us to feel fuller for longer
Remember increasing your intake of fibre means you will need to drink more fluids.Only plant based foods have fibre but some have more than others. Foods that contain more than 6g fibre per 100g are considered to be high fibre food, while those containing at least 3g or more per 100g are considered to be a source of fibre. To check whether a food contains fibre, check the nutrition label. Bear in mind just because a food is “wholegrain” does not necessarily mean that it is high in fibre. Good sources of fibre include:
- Beans and lentils
- High fibre and wholegrain breakfast cereals-
- Whole-wheat pasta
- Brown rice
- Whole-wheat bread
- Almonds
- Fruits and vegetables
Bloated? Uncomfortable? Many mums suffer from symptoms of digestive discomfort such as bloating and feelings of sluggishness from time to time. In fact research estimates around 40% of the population suffer from bloating regularly. Symptoms can often become worse when we are irregular and have slow digestive transit time which is where eating enough fibre may help. Luckily, simply eating enough fibre, especially insoluble fibre such as wheat bran which is found in foods rich in wheat bran fibre can help many people avoid feelings of digestive discomfort
Many of the cereals in the Kellogg’s range contain significant sources of dietary fibre in the form of wheat bran, most notable Kellogg’s All-Bran - the best fibre-provider of all. A serving provides 36% of the daily needs for fibre.