You asked

How can I help my preschooler develop dexterity?

By the time your child is four, you’ve probably noticed that he’s great at some things – like throwing a ball – and not so good at others, like tying shoe laces. That’s because the areas of your child’s brain that control fine motor skills (including using his fingers for intricate tasks) and visual areas, aren’t quite as developed as they need to be yet.

This is perfectly normal, but there are a few things you can do to help your child develop the dexterity to cope with intricate tasks.

One of the best is to buy your child building toys, like Lego or other blocks. These encourage your child to practice manipulating small objects, and they’re also a boost to creative skills and imagination – an added bonus!

Other creative pursuits, like making macaroni jewellery and threading beads, drawing and painting also help your child’s muscles and brain to practice performing tricky tasks, and can help your child to achieve other tasks that require good co-ordination, and nimble fingers.

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