You asked

How is cradle cap treated?

There is no consensus on the cause of cradle cap, but we do know that it is not caused by poor hygiene or allergies. It is not contagious and most likely doesn't bother the baby, but if it gets severe enough it might itch. It generally doesn't need treatment but if the condition becomes an issue, try shampooing more frequently with a mild shampoo and gently rubbing baby's scalp with a terry-cloth towel or a very soft brush. 

For those really stubborn cases, some find an oil remedy helpful. Rub a tiny amount of baby oil on your baby's scalp. Leave it on for about 15 minutes. Gently remove the flakes with a fine-toothed comb or a soft brush. Follow up by washing the baby's scalp with a gentle baby shampoo. Leaving the oil on the baby's scalp clogs the pores and causes the flakes to stick. In severe cases, a paediatrician may recommend a dandruff shampoo. The good news is that when your baby's cradle cap is completely gone, it's not likely to return.

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If a cut is too severe to treat at home then it is important to take your child to A&E or to your GP as stitches may be required. Go straight to the A&E if the cut is to an artery or if the bleeding will not stop.
The wound should heal itself in a few days. If the wound is painful, you can take painkillers, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen.
Generally speaking, most cuts and grazes are minor and can be easily treated at home.
There are lots of different dressings for minor burns and scalds. There is no particular dressing that works better than others, the important thing is to keep your burn clean and covered with a dressing.
The severity of a burn is determined by a healthcare professional based on how badly the skin is damaged.
A child’s skin is thinner and more sensitive than that of an adult so a burn can be more serious.

