Accident Zone
Accident Zone
- Can I treat an eye injury myself?
- How can I tell if a burn is serious and needs medical care?
- How can I treat a minor burn?
- How do I know if my child has a broken bone
- How should I treat my child's black eye?
- How should you treat sun poisoning?
- If a child can bend her finger or toe, is it not broken?
- Is it serious if my child gets a black eye?
- Pain remedies: is it safe to switch back and forth between ibuprofen and paracetamol?
- Should I let my child fall asleep when she's had a serious fall?
- What do I do if my child dislocates their shoulder?
- What emergency numbers should I keep near the phone?
- What is the best way to treat my child's cut or scrape?
- What should I do if my child gets an electric shock?
- What should I do if my child gets an eye injury?
- What should I do if my child gets burned?
- What should I do if my child gets something poisonous in his eye?
- What should I do if my child takes medication that's not for them?
- When does a cut need stitches?
- When should I call a doctor for a wound?
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