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One minute they are this tiny helpless infant in your arms. The next, they are growing like a weed; learning, changing, developing, gaining more understanding of the world, and trying out new experiences. I’ll never forget the day my daughter went out for the day without me. She was four, and a neighbour was given free tickets to see Annie the musical, and asked Amelia to go with her. It started...
Last updated: 23/05/2017 by EmmaKelly to EmmaKelly's Blog
Filed under: MummyBloggers
Knowing what it takes to plan the perfect wedding can mean the difference between success and failure. You will find many important wedding tips to ensure that your day is a success, no matter whether it's a large event or a small gathering. Before you get married, make sure you discuss the subject of children with your prospective mate. Having this discussion beforehand will avoid any...
Last updated: 24/05/2017 by mipela to mipela's Blog
Filed under: Lidl Mum Bloggers
A wedding is a very exciting time! However, it may also be a bit demanding to make various appointments around other people's schedule. Then sometimes, too many choices may make it difficult to make a decision. Just remember to breathe! Use these tips to make your wedding day easier: Make sure that everyone in your wedding party knows how they're getting to the wedding site and back home from your...
Last updated: 24/05/2017 by mipela to mipela's Blog
Filed under: Lidl Mum Bloggers
I was chatting to my dad a few weeks ago and he asked if I'd heard of these fidget things. "No," I said. "They're the new craze," said Dad. "As long as they aren't loom bands," said I. Most crazes pass my family by. Loom bands did not. The eldest daughter got drawn into the loom band scene. Brightly-coloured elastic bands became a thousand bracelets for her efficient, focused hands...
Last updated: 30/05/2017 by DaisyWilson to DaisyWilson's Blog
Filed under: MummyBloggers
A new Unicef report has found that Ireland has the fourth-highest teen suicide rate among the world’s high-income countries. Things are so bad, that the report grimly forecasts that one in 10,000 Irish kids between the ages of 15 and 19 will die by their own hand. I have two children who fall into that category; you may have a couple, and, indeed, virtually all of those children who will take...
Last updated: 21/06/2017 by AoifeOCarroll to AoifeOCarroll's Blog
Filed under: MummyBloggers
We recently decided to become a family who goes camping. What a wonderful wholesome way to see our beautiful country; sleeping under the stars, nothing but a canvas sheet between you and the Milky Way. I blame discount German retailers with their ridiculously cheap camping supplies for giving us notions. The nearest campsite was 10 minutes away, on the other side of our town; but seeing how we...
Last updated: 03/07/2017 by DaisyWilson to DaisyWilson's Blog
Filed under: MummyBloggers
It finally happened. The nappies are gone! *Does a silly, happy dance* He is fully toilet trained. I genuinely didn't think he would manage it before he turned three. He was totally not interested in even learning about it long past the time when his sister had learned. Treats didn't tempt him; reward charts were met with laughter, and promises of new toys were scoffed at. Weirdly, I was...
Last updated: 24/07/2017 by EmmaKelly to EmmaKelly's Blog
Filed under: MummyBloggers
When did it become a play ‘date’? There are so many aspects of parenting that continue to surprise me. You'd think after the earlier eras of sleepless nights, weaning, teething, potty training, and all those challenges you were faced with in the first few years were over, that things might become less of a minefield. Me, as usual - yep. Erm...totally wrong about that. Playdates. They...
Last updated: 15/09/2017 by EmmaKelly to EmmaKelly's Blog
Filed under: MummyBloggers
With the youngest child starting in Junior Infants, I am quite keen to glean as much information as possible about how its all going. I try to interrogate the offspring without appearing to be over-eager or overbearing. The first week of school, my heart soared to hear stories about the new best friend - lets call her 'Bestie'. My heart broke the following week, when I asked about...
Last updated: 15/10/2017 by DaisyWilson to DaisyWilson's Blog
Filed under: MummyBloggers
Every year, Halloween rolls around and parents are not only faced with having to fork out for yet another set of costumes for their little ones, but they also have to wrangle with helping their kids pull the ‘look’ together. And let’s face it, we all know one super-crafty mum who always smacks their kid out in the full regalia; either a handmade, delicately detailed costume, or at the very...
Last updated: 15/10/2017 by EmmaKelly to EmmaKelly's Blog
Filed under: MummyBloggers
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