Cakes & Baking Recipes

Looking for cakes and baking recipes? MummyPages has tons of trusted cakes and baking recipes complete with ratings and baking tips.

Recipe spinner

Peanut butter banana bread
Poppy seed cake with butter cream
Jammie dodgers
Teeny white chocolate, pistachio and raspberry tarts
Raspberry loaf cake
Vampire bite cupcakes
Chocolate fudge cake
Protein muffins
Invisible cake
Fruit scones with sugar crust
Simnel cake
Lime and coconut cake
No bake chocolate peanut butter squares
Ricotta and raspberry cheesecake
Birthday Fun Cups
The very best apple dessert cake
Guinness pint cake
Smarties orange chocolate spider and creepy crawlies Halloween cake
Mince Pies with Almond & Morello Cherries
Mince Pie Pops
Strawberry cake
Oven baked doughnuts with strawberry glaze
Sticky toffee duffins
Orange chocolate bars
Peanut butter KitKat cake
Lemon loaf with white chocolate icing
Kinder Bueno Cheesecake
Cherry, chocolate and coconut squares
Cheesy leek muffins
Peppermint creams

