Cakes & Baking Recipes

Looking for cakes and baking recipes? MummyPages has tons of trusted cakes and baking recipes complete with ratings and baking tips.

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Blueberry and lime cheesecake
Dark chocolate and orange zest brownies
Butterscotch Treats
Banana and blueberry muffins
Cheese rolls
Chocolate and raspberry brownies
Simnel cakes
Easy classic brownies
Pear and almond tart
Sticky brownie tray bake
Strawberry muffins with whipped cream
Cheesy leek muffins
Minty fresh Alaska iceberg
Simple rice pudding
Gooey brownie pudding
Breakfast muffins
Strawberry and white chocolate cheesecake
HB Hazelbrook Farm nut sundae cake
Sparkling mini Christmas cookies
Nutella Christmas yule log
Chocolate cornflake cakes
Lemon, rosewater and pistachio cake
White chocolate squares
Frosted lemon fairy cakes
Apple muffins
Iced fingers
Apple fudge cake
Raspberry buns
Lemon curd cupcakes
Dark chocolate and mint cake

