Cakes & Baking Recipes

Looking for cakes and baking recipes? MummyPages has tons of trusted cakes and baking recipes complete with ratings and baking tips.

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Chocolate brownies
Cadbury Moon Rock Clusters
Chocolate Fudge Cake
Chocolate and raspberry torte
Victoria sandwich
Kinder Bueno Cheesecake
Elderflower and lemon drizzle loaf
Giant Twix
Strawberry and white chocolate cheesecake
Irish coffee meringue
Lemon cupcakes
Pear and toffee muffins
No-bake peanut butter cheesecake
Traditional Spanish doughnut
Chocolate chip cookies
White chocolate cappuccino cake
Old fashioned apple pie
Mini Star topped Mince Pies
Mini peach crumbles
Christmas red velvet cupcakes
Love heart jammy dodgers
Devils cake
Funny Faces
Rhubarb puff pastry tart
Nest cupcakes
Valentine’s mini cakes
Banana fairy cakes
Fondant fancies
Coconut and raspberry jam roulade
Lemon curd cupcakes

