Easy Recipes

Looking for easy recipes? MummyPages has lots of quick and easy recipes that taste great! From starters to dessert - quick and easy recipes for everyday cooking and easy recipes perfect for special occasions.

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Gratin dauphinois
The ultimate burger and chips
Sweet lamb stew
Butterscotch self saucing pudding
Banana fairy cakes
Fruit skewers with chocolate dipping sauce
Chicken tikka
Hazelnut swirl cookies
Tray-baked cod with runner beans, pancetta and pine-nuts
Sticky toffee cupcakes
Lemon pannacotta with boozy raspberries
Raspberry swirl cheesecake cupcakes
Rhubarb and strawberry smoothie
Crepes Suzette
Quick chicken and mushroom pie
Frittata with lamb, feta cheese, red pepper and peas
Chicken wraps
Mango and banana smoothie
Millionaires shortbread
Healthy flapjacks
Mexican chicken lasagna
Chicken Biryani
Homemade burger
Crisped rice cheesecake
Ping pong chicken noodle salad
Pork casserole with dumplings
Bologna burger
Spider web chocolate cake
Cornbread muffins

