Easy Recipes

Looking for easy recipes? MummyPages has lots of quick and easy recipes that taste great! From starters to dessert - quick and easy recipes for everyday cooking and easy recipes perfect for special occasions.

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Bacon with crispy potatoes
Apple pancakes
Crispy garlic vegetables with herbs
Raspberry and coconut cupcakes
Banana oaties
Italian beef casserole
Pink heart cake
Raspberry lemon sponge cake
Baked German cheesecake
2-ingredient chocolate mousse
Healthy chicken nuggets
Nuts About Fruit Cake
Beef and mushroom casserole
Love heart cakes
Cinnamon french toast with berries
Bacon egg cups
Eggs Benedict with Smoked Salmon
Jerk chicken burger
Blackberry fool
Glazed roast lamb
Spinach samosas with chilli and lime salad
Ham and cheese savoury pancakes
Tray-baked pork chops with herby potatoes, parsnips, pears and minted bread sauce
Spiced apple chips
Smoked salmon soufflés
Beef stir fry
Quinoa coated chicken goujons

