Cakes & Baking Recipes

Looking for cakes and baking recipes? MummyPages has tons of trusted cakes and baking recipes complete with ratings and baking tips.

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Raspberry Jam & Peanut Butter Blondies
Sweet potato cake for one
Jam cookie sandwiches
Sinless chocolate tart
Chocolate and whisky pot
Cinnamon and blueberry muffins
Porridge brown bread
Itsy, Bitsy, Spooky Spiders
Lemon and strawberry Viennese whirls
Hazelnut and goji oat bars
Protein muffins
Polenta cake
White chocolate and raspberry cheesecake
Easter white chocolate and pistachio cake
Vanilla mug cake
Black forest cheesecake
Apple Cobbler
Simnel cakes
Christmas cupcakes
White chocolate cappuccino cake
Devilish chocolate cake
Pavlova and strawberries
Chocolate cheesecake
Mini baked Alaska
Noels barm brack (báirín breac)
Spooky Smarties cookies
Hot cross buns
Spooky spider cupcakes
Porridge Bread

