Learning Difficulties & Special Needs
- 'It's harder': Paddy McGuiness struggled to cope with his kids' autism diagnosis
- 'Life-changing': Teacher creates ‘sensory seating’ for children with special needs
- 'More time is necessary': Junior Cert student calls for extended English exam
- 'Never mind my 4 year old...Am I ready for big school?'
- 10 things special needs parents want teachers to know
- 3 ways special needs parents can improve the start of the new school year
- 4 steps to help your special needs child transition to secondary school
- 5 back-to-school tips for your children with special needs
- 5 things to do when your child receives an autism diagnosis
- 5 websites special needs parents should know about
- 6 New Year’s Resolutions for special needs parents
- 60% of parents are concerned about their child’s immunity going back to school.
- 64% of mums in Ireland miss work due to everyday childhood illnesses
- 7 ways you can help a child with dyslexia learn and thrive
- 8 homework tips for special needs parents
- An open letter to Teachers on World Teacher's Day
- An overview of Individual Education Plans in Ireland
- Attention primary schools: Coillte Photography Competition for National Tree Week 2024 open!
- Back to School routine made simple with ATTITUDE little leaves.
- Be more prepared for busy school mornings with advice from THE top professional organisers
- Boxing clever with these easy, (and healthy) school lunches.
- Build-a-box online for Team Hope Christmas Shoebox Appeal
- Calls for 'further development' in secondary schools following autism report
- Celebrities swap day job to become school teachers this November
- Children 'not ready for school' due to parents’ phone 'obsession'
- Childs Farm toiletries brand offer exclusive back to school discount with Daisybelle.ie
- Does your child have special educational needs? Pencil this conference in
- Dunnes Stores launches Back to School range with pricing starting from just €3!
- Exam accommodations: Why early planning is vital for children with special needs
- Fuelling success: how to strengthen your kids' health for the school year ahead
- Get ready for a new school year with Søstrene Grene’s back-to-school collection
- Get ready for back to school with great value & easy-care uniforms from F&F at Tesco
- Get top marks for Back to School with My Nametags – Ireland’s only antibacterial labels
- Get your little ones Back To School ready with an M&S packed lunch
- Government approves bill to end baptism barrier in primary schools
- Have you spoken to your child about celebrating safely ahead of exam results?
- Helping a child with memory difficulties
- Helping your child... when they’re struggling in the classroom
- Hidden disabilities
- How assistive technology helps children with writing difficulties
- How can I tell if my child needs help with their reading and spelling?
- How parents of kids with special needs can work with their child’s teacher
- How to create an inclusive classroom for all primary school students
- How to create the perfect study environment for your child
- How to deal with back-to-school stress
- How to encourage your children to be happy feeders
- How to support your child’s immune system
- Iceland is offering a school lunch deal for only €1.22 for back to school.
- Identifying learning difficulties in school
- Ireland’s National School Photography Awards - Winners Announced
- Ireland’s National School Photography Awards launched
- Irish company launch back-to-school antibacterial name labels
- Is your child struggling with maths in school? This study might have the answer why
- Jennifer Zamparelli jumps in on the fun for Jump Zone's 10th birthday celebrations
- Limerick & Dublin schools scoop top prizes in Woodie’s Budding Gardeners Competition
- Long term illness and school: How do kids with illness balance school?
- Mental Health charity urges Leaving Cert students to use its services tomorrow.
- Minecraft
- Mobility issues in schools
- My friend's different: how to teach your child to be a friend to children with special needs
- New children’s book aimed at explaining the Covid-19 pandemic in a child friendly way
- New Summer Camps launched for under 6’s this July and August
- Opinion: your rights as a non-religious parent in Irish schools
- Paediatric Massage and Autism Touch Therapy: Why would I massage my child?
- Parents of kids with disabilities have lower expectations for their educational achievement
- Preparing special needs children for life after secondary school
- Safeguarding online environments for young people with Tozi
- School may only just have closed, but Aldi’s School Event kicks off next Thursday!
- Schoolbooks.ie will sort your school bag so you can pack your beach bag
- Showcase your child's team colours with the new range of sports shirt labels from My Nametags.
- Signs of handwriting problems
- Six tips to organise your child with special needs
- Special needs children in school nurseries less likely to get reception place
- Special needs parents - Are you making these 4 mistakes?
- Special needs parents: 3 ways to become an expert on your child’s condition this summer
- Special needs parents: Tips for productive parent-teacher meetings
- Speech sound difficulties
- Summer holidays: Time to find out what worked for your special needs child
- Support your children's immunity this Autumn with Wellkid from Vitabiotics.
- The 2022 National School Photography Awards are launched!
- The facts about head lice that you should know about
- The Happy Pear launch 'Fruit Bites' - a delicious new sweet treat
- The No Bulls**t Guide to surviving the (long) summer holidays
- This is how much money Irish children get on their first Holy Communion
- This year's Science Week has something to suit all ages and interests
- Three reasons parents need to become experts on their children’s special needs
- Tips for students with special needs getting ready for secondary school
- Understanding literacy assessment tests in Irish schools
- Water park designed for families with special needs boasts INCREDIBLE perks
- What concerned parents did to ensure their child wasn’t ‘left behind’ in class
- What to do when your child is struggling in school
- Your child’s IEP: Have you considered these 3 important factors?
- ‘Every day is Autism Awareness Day’: Mum on life as a special needs parent
- ‘Low pay and job instability for teachers is harming Irish education’
- ‘Our National Anthem’ a new book designed to teach kids our national anthem - for life.
- 'More time is necessary': Junior Cert student calls for extended English exam
- 'Never mind my 4 year old...Am I ready for big school?'
- 60% of parents are concerned about their child’s immunity going back to school.
- 64% of mums in Ireland miss work due to everyday childhood illnesses
- 7 ways you can help a child with dyslexia learn and thrive
- An open letter to Teachers on World Teacher's Day
- Attention primary schools: Coillte Photography Competition for National Tree Week 2024 open!
- Back to School routine made simple with ATTITUDE little leaves.
- Be more prepared for busy school mornings with advice from THE top professional organisers
- Boxing clever with these easy, (and healthy) school lunches.
- Build-a-box online for Team Hope Christmas Shoebox Appeal
- Celebrities swap day job to become school teachers this November
- Childs Farm toiletries brand offer exclusive back to school discount with Daisybelle.ie
- Does your child have special educational needs? Pencil this conference in
- Dunnes Stores launches Back to School range with pricing starting from just €3!
- Dyslexia
- Dyslexia symptoms in primary school children
- Dyslexia symptoms in secondary school children
- Dyslexia: How you can help your child
- Fuelling success: how to strengthen your kids' health for the school year ahead
- Get ready for a new school year with Søstrene Grene’s back-to-school collection
- Get ready for back to school with great value & easy-care uniforms from F&F at Tesco
- Get top marks for Back to School with My Nametags – Ireland’s only antibacterial labels
- Get your little ones Back To School ready with an M&S packed lunch
- Have you spoken to your child about celebrating safely ahead of exam results?
- How can I tell if my child needs help with their reading and spelling?
- How to create the perfect study environment for your child
- How to deal with back-to-school stress
- How to encourage your children to be happy feeders
- How to support your child’s immune system
- Iceland is offering a school lunch deal for only €1.22 for back to school.
- Ireland’s National School Photography Awards - Winners Announced
- Ireland’s National School Photography Awards launched
- Irish company launch back-to-school antibacterial name labels
- Is your child struggling with maths in school? This study might have the answer why
- James Van Der Beek sends empowering message to fans with dyslexia
- Jennifer Zamparelli jumps in on the fun for Jump Zone's 10th birthday celebrations
- Limerick & Dublin schools scoop top prizes in Woodie’s Budding Gardeners Competition
- Mental Health charity urges Leaving Cert students to use its services tomorrow.
- Mum-of-three Gwen Stefani opens up about her children’s struggles with dyslexia
- New children’s book aimed at explaining the Covid-19 pandemic in a child friendly way
- New Summer Camps launched for under 6’s this July and August
- Opinion: your rights as a non-religious parent in Irish schools
- Reading and dyslexia
- Safeguarding online environments for young people with Tozi
- School may only just have closed, but Aldi’s School Event kicks off next Thursday!
- Schoolbooks.ie will sort your school bag so you can pack your beach bag
- Showcase your child's team colours with the new range of sports shirt labels from My Nametags.
- Success beyond dyslexia
- Support your children's immunity this Autumn with Wellkid from Vitabiotics.
- The 2022 National School Photography Awards are launched!
- The facts about head lice that you should know about
- The Happy Pear launch 'Fruit Bites' - a delicious new sweet treat
- The No Bulls**t Guide to surviving the (long) summer holidays
- This is how much money Irish children get on their first Holy Communion
- This year's Science Week has something to suit all ages and interests
- Understanding dyslexia and knowing how to help your child
- Understanding literacy assessment tests in Irish schools
- ‘Our National Anthem’ a new book designed to teach kids our national anthem - for life.
- 'More time is necessary': Junior Cert student calls for extended English exam
- 'Never mind my 4 year old...Am I ready for big school?'
- 60% of parents are concerned about their child’s immunity going back to school.
- 64% of mums in Ireland miss work due to everyday childhood illnesses
- 7 ways you can help a child with dyslexia learn and thrive
- ADHD and childhood sickness
- ADHD and making friends
- An open letter to Teachers on World Teacher's Day
- Attention primary schools: Coillte Photography Competition for National Tree Week 2024 open!
- Back to School routine made simple with ATTITUDE little leaves.
- Be more prepared for busy school mornings with advice from THE top professional organisers
- Boxing clever with these easy, (and healthy) school lunches.
- Build-a-box online for Team Hope Christmas Shoebox Appeal
- Celebrities swap day job to become school teachers this November
- Childs Farm toiletries brand offer exclusive back to school discount with Daisybelle.ie
- Does your child have special educational needs? Pencil this conference in
- Dunnes Stores launches Back to School range with pricing starting from just €3!
- Fuelling success: how to strengthen your kids' health for the school year ahead
- Get ready for a new school year with Søstrene Grene’s back-to-school collection
- Get ready for back to school with great value & easy-care uniforms from F&F at Tesco
- Get top marks for Back to School with My Nametags – Ireland’s only antibacterial labels
- Get your little ones Back To School ready with an M&S packed lunch
- Have you spoken to your child about celebrating safely ahead of exam results?
- How to build self-esteem in a child with ADHD
- How to create the perfect study environment for your child
- How to deal with back-to-school stress
- How to encourage your children to be happy feeders
- How to support your child’s immune system
- Iceland is offering a school lunch deal for only €1.22 for back to school.
- Ireland’s National School Photography Awards - Winners Announced
- Ireland’s National School Photography Awards launched
- Irish company launch back-to-school antibacterial name labels
- Is your child struggling with maths in school? This study might have the answer why
- Jennifer Zamparelli jumps in on the fun for Jump Zone's 10th birthday celebrations
- Limerick & Dublin schools scoop top prizes in Woodie’s Budding Gardeners Competition
- Mental Health charity urges Leaving Cert students to use its services tomorrow.
- New children’s book aimed at explaining the Covid-19 pandemic in a child friendly way
- New Summer Camps launched for under 6’s this July and August
- Opinion: your rights as a non-religious parent in Irish schools
- Safeguarding online environments for young people with Tozi
- School may only just have closed, but Aldi’s School Event kicks off next Thursday!
- Schoolbooks.ie will sort your school bag so you can pack your beach bag
- Showcase your child's team colours with the new range of sports shirt labels from My Nametags.
- Strategies for parents trying to manage ADHD
- Support your children's immunity this Autumn with Wellkid from Vitabiotics.
- The 2022 National School Photography Awards are launched!
- The facts about head lice that you should know about
- The Happy Pear launch 'Fruit Bites' - a delicious new sweet treat
- The No Bulls**t Guide to surviving the (long) summer holidays
- This is how much money Irish children get on their first Holy Communion
- This year's Science Week has something to suit all ages and interests
- ‘Our National Anthem’ a new book designed to teach kids our national anthem - for life.
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